Gloren Energy LLC © 2013 | All Rights Reserved

About US

Gloren Energy, LLC. is an engineering consulting, design and build company providing innovative renewable  energy  solutions   for customers  with  demanding  power  requirements  looking to supplement  their power consumption with alternative renewable power to reduce their reliance on fossil fuel, reduce their environmental impact and enhance their triple bottom line.

​Gloren  Energy  products use a  combination  of proven solar,  wind  and proprietary  technology combined with batteries for backup power and optional generators to create innovative products to meet  our  customer unique  requirement  in minimal time. Our products  are designed  to provide reliable power, reduce or eliminate fossil fuel usage when possible, and minimize maintenance and operation  costs.  Typical markets  and applications include commercial  and industrial operations, military,  off-grid  telecommunication   stations, mining  operations,   wastewater  treatment  and desalination plants.

​Gloren Energy is  partly owned by  Buaer International  with offices in North America, Asia and the Middle East.  Wherever  you need  innovative solutions for  your renewable power needs, Gloren Energy can help.